Introducing Starpad’s Tier System [Updated]

Starpunk is excited to announce the official Starpad’s Tier System for our upcoming SPO projects. With this new distribution mechanism, we will provide the community an equal chance to participate in the community fundraising round for every NFT Gaming startups incubated by us, as well as ensure the exclusive benefits for long-term $SRP holders. 

Each participant must lock a fixed amount of $SRP token on Starpad at least 24 hours before the SPO begins to get their equivalent tier. Here is the detailed information about the Tier System:

Tier Universal Galaxy Solar Earth FCFS
Locking amount required
200,000 100,000 25,000 10,000 2,000
Pool size
(% of total token allocation)
22% 13% 34% 22% 9%
Position 100% Guaranteed allocation 100% Guaranteed allocation – 50% for Guaranteed Allocation
– 50% for FCFS
– 50% for Guaranteed Allocation
– 50% for FCFS
100% FCFS
Requirement for Locking/ Staking At least 24 hours before the SPO beginning At least 24 hours before the SPO beginning At least 24 hours before the SPO beginning At least 24 hours before the SPO beginning At least 24 hours before the SPO beginning

Tier Universal:

  • Lock/Stake 200,000 $SRP to be eligible to get your position in this tier
  • Pool size: 22% of total token allocation
  • How to buy: 100% Guaranteed allocation. Total allocation pool will be divided equally to each tiered members

Tier Galaxy:

  • Lock/Stake 100,000 $SRP to be eligible to get your position in this tier.
  • Pool size: 13% of total token allocation.
  • How to buy: Guaranteed allocation. Total allocation pool will be divided equally to each tiered member.

Tier Solar:

  • Lock/Stake 25,000 $SRP to be eligible to get your position in this tier.
  • Pool size: 34% of total token allocation.
  • How to buy: 
  • 50% of total allocation in this pool will be guaranteed allocation and distributed equally to each tiered member.
  • 50% of total allocation in this pool will be available to every tiered members to buy as FCFS.

Tier Earth:

  • Lock/Stake 10,000 $SRP to be eligible to get your position in this tier.
  • Pool size: 22% of total token allocation.
  • How to buy: 
  • 50% of total allocation in this pool will be guaranteed allocation and distributed equally to each tiered member.
  • 50% of total allocation in this pool will be available to every tiered members to buy as FCFS.

Tier FCFS:

  • Lock/Stake 2,000 $SRP to be eligible to get your position in this tier. 
  • Pool size: 9% of total token allocation.
  • How to buy: First comes first serves. 

We have slightly adjusted the process to participate in SPOs on Starpad, in order to ensure the exclusive benefit for our long-term $SRP holders and encourage the community to accompany Starpunk in the promising journey ahead. Here is the detail instruction:

  1. Register in Starpad: 
  2. Connect your BEP-20 wallet on Starpad
  3. Lock $SRP token on Starpad to get your equivalent tier following this structure below:
  • Tier UNIVERSAL : Lock/Stake 200,000 $SRP
  • Tier GALAXY: Lock/Stake 100,000 $SRP
  • Tier SOLAR: Lock/Stake 25,000 $SRP
  • Tier EARTH: Lock/Stake 10,000 $SRP
  • Tier FCFS: Lock/Stake 2,000 $SRP
  1. Join in the SPO Private Sale pool that you want to contribute. Bear in mind that if you click the “Unlock” button before the TGE date, you will be disqualified from participating in SPO on Starpad. 
  2.  There will be a detailed timeline for each tier allocation pool to participate in the token sale. If your tier is FCFS, you will have to join in the FCFS Round. If your tier is Solar or Earth, you can join in one or both your tier of Guaranteed allocation pool and FCFS. If your tier is Universal or Galaxy, your allocation will be definitely guaranteed to contribute.
  3. After your allocation payment is completed, your purchased token will be available to be claimed on the TGE date. Click the “Claim TGE” button to claim the first token batch released. The remaining tokens will be able to be claimed following the vesting schedule of each SPO project.
  4. After unlocking, you must wait 14 days to be able to claim your locked $SRP tokens. In the meantime, your tier will be no longer existed on Starpad’s Tier System and you won’t be able to participate in any SPO projects launched in this 14 days.

About Starpunk

Starpunk is the all-in-one, decentralized incubator, cloud solutions provider, and launch ecosystem for NFT Gaming startups. We empower game developers, token buyers, and players to build a blockchain-based economy, accelerate the introduction of new NFT Games into the market through our Game Launchpad, and allow projects incubated by Starpunk to launch their own white-labelled NFT Marketplace.

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