Introducing the upcoming SPO on Starpad: Plant Exodus

We are excited to announce that the next SPO project launched on Starpad will be Plant Exodus, an NFT Blockchain-based game, inspired by classic turn-based RPG with a 3D design style combined with a novel fantasy style, giving the audience a rich and expandable imagination world.

Plant Exodus is developed to create a wealthy economic system for all parties: Players, Game Promoters, Game Publishers & native token holders, etc.

Main activities of Plant Exodus


Players can explore the fantasy world of Plant Exodus through various game modes:

  • Exodus Journey 
  • Tribe Arena 
  • Tournament


Breed 2 plant heroes to get a brand new plant hero which will inherit the powerful gene of its parent.

Evolve and Upgrade:

Envolve and Upgrade your plant heroes to gain more strength and unique ability in combat.


A game world inspired by nature with a rich and pure imagination.


Enjoy the game, Collect the valuable in-game NFTs and feel free to trade them on Plant Exodus’s marketplace.

Through the strategic partnership with Starpunk, Plant Exodus will be able to launch their Community fundraising round via SPO event on the Starpad platform. Detailed information regarding Plant Exodus’s SPO will be announced soon. 

Stay tuned and follow up with the latest news on Starpunk’s Social Media!

About Plant Exodus

Plant Exodus is an NFT Blockchain-based game, inspired by a classic turn-based RPG with a gorgeous 3D design style combined with a novel fantasy style, giving the audience a rich and expandable imagination world.

The main activities of Plant Exodus economy include: Battle, Breeding, Evolve & Upgrade, Land, Market Place.

Plant Exodus is developed to create a wealthy economic system for all parties: Players, Game Promoters, Game Publishers & native token holders, etc.

Plant Exodus’s Official Social media

Website | Youtube | TwitterMedium | Global Telegram Channel |
Global Community | VN Telegram | Facebook Fanpage |Facebook Global Group | Facebook Vietnam Group

About Starpunk

Starpunk is the all-in-one, decentralized incubator, cloud solutions provider, and launch ecosystem for NFT Gaming startups. We empower game developers, token buyers, and players to build a blockchain-based economy, accelerate the introduction of new NFT Games into the market through our Game Launchpad, and allow projects incubated by Starpunk to launch their own white-labelled NFT Marketplace.

Starpunk’s Official Social media

Website | Twitter | Telegram | Channel | Vietnamese Telegram | Vietnamese Channel | Facebook Page | Facebook Group | Discord